Savoring God's Sweet Grace...When Life's Left a Bitter Taste

My love for chocolate was already strong when I was quite young. And I knew there was a big box of baking bars in my mother's cupboard. Would she even notice if I snuck just one bar from the box? Doubtful. So I climbed the cabinets one day, grabbed the box and stole a bar. Mmm! It sure smelled like the real thing. Ever so sneakily, I popped it into my mouth and began chewing. Ugh! Yuck! Eww!

I was old enough to know that chocolate was a good thing, but young enough that I didn't understand the meaning of "Unsweetened Baking Chocolate." My naive expectation of something rich and sweet was dashed by a blast of bitter, unsweetened nastiness - 100 percent pure cacao! My happy chocolate-sneaking smile was replaced with an unhappy puckering grimace as I attempted to rinse my mouth out to erase the bitter taste.

Where I had hoped for something sweet, I received something bitter instead. Life is kind of like that sometimes too. Where we hope for sweet morsels of happiness, we sometimes receive bitter nuggets of pain and suffering. In our sin, we allow ourselves to become embittered by the circumstances into which we are often dipped, to be disappointed by the effects of the world that threaten to change our taste and leave a bitter aftertaste.

How can we maintain a sweet outlook on life when there is so much bitterness, so much anger, hurt, and heartache? Bitter feelings are often packaged in unsweetened circumstances:

Maybe you struggle with anger against those who've ridiculed you for your faith or for something else. 

Are you struggling to let go of hurt from loved ones, and it's keeping you from reconciling with them? 

Maybe you live with chronic pain or fear of news you suspect your doctor has for you. 

Or maybe you ache from the heartache of losing the person you held most dear.

How can you survive these circumstances and so many more like them? What do you do when you're crushed under the weight of sorrow or pain? How can you not become embittered when you're brokenhearted or angry? And maybe a most difficult question: to what may you resort in your attempt to erase the bitter taste of your troubles?

Many of us turn to something we think will remove the bitter taste or temporarily numb the emotional pain, sweeten the flavor of our dark days, or at least offer a distraction from our misery. But that something never delivers real relief from our troubles...and it often causes an even nastier taste. 

We may have rationalized the distractions we've chosen, and maybe we've tried to find a solution on our own, seeking help through self-talk or self-help sources, to no avail.

Can our sweetness be restored? Is there a real solution, a true answer? Yes. And our Savior, Jesus, has that answer. He says, "Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). We can take our pain and sorrow to the One who went to the cross, tasting the bitter pain, suffering, and death that should have been ours. Hebrews 2:9 reminds us that Christ tasted death for everyone. He knows our anger, hurt, and heartache. Our compassionate Lord feels our pain. His blood covered our sins and the sins of the whole world; sweet salvation is ours in Christ! Jesus rescues and gives real rest

Lean into His strong arms instead of striving to earn grace and attempting to restore sweetness on your own; receive His forgiveness, healing, and hope. Cry out to your Rescuer, who says, "Come to Me."  

"The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous
    and his ears toward their cry.
16 17 
When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears
    and delivers them out of all their troubles.
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted

    and saves the crushed in spirit."  -Psalm 34:15,17-18

Seek His help, recognizing that He may provide just what you need through a pastor, a Christian counselor, or a person with wise, godly counsel who will speak truth into your situation and provide hope and help, by God's Sweet Grace! (Savor His grace!) Trust the Holy Spirit's continual work in your life, comforting and guiding you, according to God's Word.

So turn to God's Word in the middle of every circumstance and cling to your Savior's words, trusting that His loving grip is upon you. Read His comforting words here, as God reveals how deeply He cares for you, on the days that are light and smooth and on those that are dark and lumpy, and especially at the center of every trial and difficulty: 

"The Lord your God is in your midst,
a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
    he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing." -Zephaniah 3:17

Even in the middle of our trials, we can rest assured that we have a Savior who is bigger than every tribulation we will ever face. Jesus promised, "In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." John 16:33  

Today, Christ provides His strength TO YOU, to not only endure your trials, struggles, or suffering, but even more, to ultimately overcome them victoriously through Him who has overcome the world at the cross and the empty tomb!
Portion from Living a Chocolate Life © Concordia Publishing House. Used with permission.


Chocolate-Brownie-Fudge Pie

1 c. butter
4 oz. unsweetened chocolate
2 c. sugar
1/2 c. flour
4 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
3/4 c. chopped pecans

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Melt butter and chocolate together. Combine sugar and flour. Add chocolate. Beat in eggs. Add vanilla and pecans. Pour into greased pie plate. Bake 25-30 minutes. Serve with whipped cream or ice cream. Ah! Sweet surrender! (In moderation...) ;-)

From A Chocolate Life by Deb Burma © CPH. Reprinted with permission.


"For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." 
-Philippians 2:13

On this new day (and every day...), you and I can REST, assured that we can trust the Spirit's saving work in our Baptism and through the Word. 

The One who saved us and fills us with the desire to be like Jesus is also transforming us in His likeness. 

"Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." -Psalm 139:23-24 

Like the Psalmist, we can cry out to God with a repentant heart, knowing His grace covers us as He gives us the strength to live our lives in Christ, SURRENDERED to Him. Even running to Him with reckless abandon!

Sweet Surrender!

"For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." 
Philippians 2:13

My little white flag just went up. Do you see it? I'm waving it weakly back and forth in front of you. I held it out long enough and finally, I surrender. I give up. You win. All my resistance is gone. I am no match for you, you irresistible Chocolate-Brownie-Fudge Pie! I surrender all my resistance, all my will power, all my diet plans, and I run toward you with a fork in my hand. Ah, but it is a sweet surrender! Mmm, delicious!

While I may joke about surrendering to chocolate, I wonder about the the kinds of things we usually yield to helplessly. We all have weaknesses, areas of strongest temptation and feeblest resistance against which we cannot stand on our own. Maybe we surrender to gossip or gluttony. Perhaps we give in to peer pressure, envy, or greed. Possibly, we struggle with an addiction to something that hurts us and those we love. 

In His sweet mercy and grace, our heavenly Father saw us drowning in our sins, weaknesses, and temptations. He lifted us out, saving us from our faults and failures and forgiving us through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit working through God's Word breathed new life into us and filled us with faith.

God traded our weakness for His strength and enabled us to surrender to the Lord! We give up: We give up all our feeble attempts to be strong enough on our own, all our futile efforts to do good things by our own strength. You win, God! You won salvation for us when You defeated sin, death, and the devil. In Your victory, You give us eternal life in Christ! All our resistance disappears. Through the power of the Spirit, we no longer resist Your lead, but gladly follow.

In our sin, we cannot match God's holiness, but He took away our sin and made us holy in Christ! We surrender all our foolish plans, selfish ambitions, and evil thoughts and ways to God's perfect ones. Jesus runs toward us with outstretched arms. Filled with His Spirit, we yield to His loving touch. Truly, this is sweet, sweet surrender!
Surrendered, we can only imagine the amazing work ahead as the Spirit works in us, fulfilling His plans and purposes according to His perfect will.

Lord, do with me what You will today. I surrender my ways to You. Work in and through me to do Your will, for Your purposes, and for Your good pleasure. 
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

From A Chocolate Life by Deb Burma © CPH. Reprinted with permission.


See that sign my hubby is holding?! “WE ESCAPED!” From what? What’s held us captive? We are so ready to escape the cold, the winter, the dark days of January… (Spring is coming, right?! Meanwhile, hot chocolate helps...) 

We’ve mourned beside loved ones and prayed fervently with others. We’re walking beside the people of our community now during days of pain and loss. It’s been a tough month for a lot of people. 

So why the silly photo and the sign, “WE ESCAPED”? Following a fun Holiday moment with family at an escape room - after this photo was taken - I got to thinking: it’s true. WE ESCAPED

No matter what we face in this life: cold days, depression, accidents, illness, loss... You and I and all believers in Christ have escaped: from bondage to freedom! And not by our own doing… we were set free from sin, death, and the power of the devil because Jesus took our place. 

In exchange for His life, we have New Life today… Life forever… 

We have Eternal Hope and Hope for today, even when all looks hopeless. 

We have His Help when we are helpless. 

We have Freedom from bondage. Freedom to hand out His Hope...His a hurting world around us. 

Jesus is with you now: “I am with you always...” (Matthew 28:20) “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Life Keeps Coming Up CHOCOLATE...

As if I didn’t already savor and swallow copious quantities of chocolate (and countless cups of coffee) over the holidays, in this New Year, life keeps coming up "chocolate". Yes, right here at the start of all-things-healthy, and in the midst of resolution lists, I’ve resolved to focus on chocolate… 

Well, sort of. I mean, I had you at the mere mention of it, right?
  • Just when I'd started my diet, a friend handed me a gift with imprinted words, "Chocolate Fixes Everything" - and I couldn't argue. (And in this New Year, I have so much I'd like to "fix" - how about you?!) - Keep reading! ;-)
  • Then social media surprised me with one of those anniversary posts, celebrating my publisher's early release of my "Living a Chocolate Life" Bible study. (Funny timing, right?!) 
  • Friends shared posts pertaining to chocolate. One even sent me breaking news sharing more health benefits of dark chocolate (see, I knew this would work with my New Year's goals...): "Chocolate May Be A Better Cough Suppressant..."
  • My publicist reminded me it's "National Chocolate-something Day" and I celebrated again...of course. 
  • And we’re only weeks away from the airing of Nebraska Public Television’s Chocolate Life documentary 

So you see, life keeps coming up "chocolate"...I'd better roll with it.

Virtual chocolate (like the sweet image above) grabs our attention, even when we’re not grabbing an actual bite – or even when we are. Why?

Maybe it’s simply something that makes us smile. We relate to it (and to its tempting qualities…). We revel in its beauty; we know its aroma and taste. Chocolate is rich. Sweet. Satisfying. And chocolate gifts can be lavish – even extravagant. (Don't even get me started...)

So, my friends, for the next few weeks, let’s talk chocolate. Wait…better yet, let’s talk about topics our favorite confection can take us to…

  • Temptation...and Sweet Surrender

  • Savoring God's Sweet Grace...When Life's Left a Bitter Taste

  • Seeking Satisfaction

So maybe chocolate doesn't "fix" everything...but by way of sweet chocolate analogy, we go to the One who can...and does. We search His Word; we seek His strength; we trust Him.

If you’ve sampled my Chocolate Life devotional or savored the Living a Chocolate Life Bible study, you’ve touched on some of these topics. We’re going to dig in a little differently.

Will you “resolve” to follow me as I lead you down a chocolate-rich road? We’ll savor nuggets of God’s Word as we explore some timely and tough topics. Look for blog posts and social media posts with: Scripture, devotions, questions, …and even the occasional recipe.  Comment, chat with me, ask questions…We’ll look at life – your chocolate life – in the light of God’s grace.

"Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!" Psalm 34:8

A Latte Love

A Latte Love!

God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given 
to us. Romans 5:5

A Latte Love. Hot or iced, it’s a favorite on most coffee shop menus, and it’s at the heart of The Savior’s Grace Place Menu! Creamy and bold, with or without added flavor, my latte is loved … a lot. (Does that mean I have a lot of Latte Love?!) 

The Italian phrase, caffé latte, is translated literally “coffee & milk”. To make a hot latte, a shot of espresso is poured into steamed milk and the two marbleize as they mix. A barista may double as a latte artist, creating a masterpiece in the foam as one is poured into the other.

God’s Latte Love is poured into our hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit. He loves us … a lot. But maybe you don’t feel loved or loveable. Perhaps the world has led you to believe you must earn God’s love. Or maybe you’ve fallen for Satan’s lies and think that God’s love has limits.

His love knows no limits and has no end. We cannot earn it and don’t deserve it, but He lavishes it upon us anyway. While our feelings may betray us, God’s perfect Word never will. There we read that He so loved us that He gave His Son (John 3:16), who poured out His life as a sacrifice for our sins, filled us with faith, and gave us eternal life.

We are God’s creations, His masterpieces, created in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:10) according to His plan and His lavish love for us!

And this lavish love enables us to love others: “May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all(1 Thessalonians 3:12). By His grace, we can abound – overflow – in love for fellow believers … and for all. All? (Gulp) Even the unlovely woman who shouts insults at us in the latte line at the coffee shop? The misguided people in our midst who reject Christ and may even mistreat us? The family whose culture and values are so different from ours? You and I are to love all of these? Yes, and it’s possible only because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). The Gospel frees us and the Holy Spirit empowers us to share God’s Latte Love – the same love He first poured into us!

Dear God, Help me to remember that I am Your masterpiece! Because of Your redeeming love for me in Christ, I can overflow in love for others. Lead me to share the same love You’ve poured into me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.